Lawyers and scholars working on EMC stress the importance of CSDDD
To the Governments of the Member States of the European Union, the Members of European Parliament and the Members of the national Parliaments of the Member States of the European Union
We are legal professionals from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and Portugal who work together to develop European Model Clauses (EMC) in the framework of the future European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The EMC shall encourage balanced and effective contracts between buyers and suppliers worldwide.
We met in Warsaw last week – following meetings in Lisbon and Rotterdam in 2023. Warsaw is a city that has suffered many European conflicts, wars and human suffering. It is thus a symbolic place to reflect upon the crucial need for strong protection for human rights as a basis of our peaceful and prosperous existence together.
Coming from very different EU countries, backgrounds and philosophies, we are all driven by the need to respect the fundamental values of human rights. They are the bedrock of the European Union, enabling stability and peace in Europe. We believe that the CSDDD – once enacted – will be a valuable tool for to enable companies to contribute to these values through Human and Environmental Due Diligence in their value chains. This is a historic opportunity for the EU.
The text of the CSDDD was negotiated in the trilogue, which is the legitimate procedure that we, as Europeans, use to negotiate directives to be respected by all of the EU Members. As members of a project that crosses many borders, realities and interests, we understand and accept that compromises are also a bedrock of Europe.
Kofi Annan said in Davos that markets should have a « human face », which led to John Ruggie developing UNGC and UNGPs. Tools and regulations such as the CSDDD are essential to anchor these principles in business practice. We therefore call on politicians in our respective countries to further strengthen our common principles: for the EU, for the planet and for humanity: Please vote in favor of the CSDDD!
Anna Beckers, Maastricht University (GER)
Angelica Bonfanti, University of Milan (IT)
Stéphane Brabant, Avocat at Paris Bar (FR)
Bettina Braun, LL.M. (Columbia) (GER)
Claire Bright, NOVA School of Law (PT)
Carmen Márquez Carrasco, Catedrática de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de Sevilla (ES)
Avv. Achille Caliò Marincola, LL.M. (IT)
Beata Faracik, LL.M., Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PL)
Gilles Lhuilier, Ecole Normale supérieur de Rennes, Membre senior de l`lnstitut Universitaire de France (FR)
Avv. Randazzo Roberto (IT)
Daniel Schönfelder, Lawyer (GER)
Martijn Scheltema, Partner at Pels Rijcken\professor at Erasmus University (NL)
Michaela Streibelt, Lawyer (GER)
Salli Anne Swartz, American and French Lawyer EU Business + Human Rights (FR)