
Business and Human Rights in CEE&CA

International conference

1 – 2 June 2023


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We are pleased to invite you to the international conference Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 

This event will take a place in Warsaw on 1-2 June 2023. There are plans to stream the first day of the conference online.

During the event a new e-publication comprising the BHR case studies from the region will be presented. All case studies were developed by participants of the CEE&CA Summer Academy of Human Rights and Business under the guidance of the international experts in this field.

If you want to join us, please fill in this online registration form.


This conference is a part of the project Lighthouse-keepers: Business and Human Rights Cooperation Network. The project benefits from a grant under the Active Citizens – Regional Fund from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, through the EEA Grants.


This event consists of the following modules:

  1. Conference (June 1th) in person or online participation
  2. Workshop – BHR-HRDD case studies presentations by authors (June 2nd) in person or online participation
  3. Educational simulation game (June 2nd) in person participation only

Official launch of the Case Studies publication was a part of the conference (June 1th): Faracik, B., Uvarova, O. (eds) (2023). How (not) to Do Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Case Studies, PIHRB WPS 1/2023, Częstochowa: Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business. The publication consists of  15 case studies from the region.

You can download last version of the conference agenda here:


If you missed the conference or would like go back to some of its contents, please have a look at the presentations of our speakers:

  1. Key note speech: Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski, Centre for Human Rights Erlangen Nürnberg; Friedrich-Alexander Universität | Role of domestic regulations in advancing Human Rights Due Diligence. Case study of the German Supply Chain Law and its impact on CEE and CA.

  2. Annabel Short, Institute for Human Rights and Business | Reimagining the built environment, for a rights-respecting green transition.
  3.  Jacqueline Kacprzak, PhD, Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Polish OECD National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct | Ensuring access to remedies through the effective functioning of the OECD National Contact Point for RBC grievance mechanism.

You can also watch the conference recording. Just press the button below and it will take you straight there.






  • Beata Faracik, LL.M., PIHRB
  • Dr Olena Uvarova, YMNLU


  • Aleksandra Wardak, PIHRB


The project is carried out by the Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PIHRB) (Polish: Polski Instytut Praw Człowieka i Biznesu PIHRB) in partnership with the Ukrainian Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukrainian: Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого), Alda – Association for Sustainable Democracy (Icelandic: Alda – félag um sjálfbærni og lýðræði) and the Icelandic Ombudsman for Children (Icelandic: Umboðsmaður barna).

Project leader:

Project partners:

The conference is organised by PIHRB & YMNLU in partnership with:

The project benefits from a grant under the Active Citizens Fund – Regional from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, through the EEA Grants.

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