W dniach 11 – 12 listopada odbyło się 2. UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia zorganizowane przez UNDP Regional Hub for Europe and Central Asia przy wsparciu the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights.
W czasie pierwszego dnia Forum zaprezentowano kluczowe wnioski z analizy wdrażania Wytycznych ONZ we wszystkich krajach regionu, opracowaną na zlecenie UNDP Istanbul przez Polski Instytut Praw Człowieka i Biznesu, który koordynował pracę zespołu 3 ekspertów i ekspertek, w skład którego weszli:
- Beata Faracik, LL.M.(HR&IP), MA (Law), MA (IR), Business & HR Expert, President of the Board
- Jernej L. Černič, PhD, Professor of Human Rights and Constitutional Law, Nova University, Slovenia
- Olena Uvarova, Phd, Head of the International Lab on BHR and Assistant professor at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.
The 2nd UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia has discussed the national and regional efforts for full implementation of the UNGPs, such as NAPs, corporate human rights due diligence, and the role of the State as an economic actor. In addition, it did address key regional trends, challenges and opportunities for the business and human rights agenda in the ECIS region, such as the upcoming EU’s directive on HRDD, human rights protection in extractive industries, the role of trade unions, persistent discrimination and inequalities in business practices, and shrinking civic space for human rights defenders.
The year 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the authoritative international framework outlining the duties and responsibilities of States and businesses to identify, prevent, mitigate, and remediate business-related human rights impacts. The Guiding Principles have triggered “a smart mix” of mandatory and voluntary measures by many States and have seen uptake by businesses across various regions. However, broader and deeper action to implement the UNGPs is required for States, businesses and other actors to realize a just transition and sustainable development for all.
The Forum has been informed by the work of the UNWG, UNDP as well as regional and national partners on business and human rights in the region. It will offer a deeper analysis of the regional trends, developments, and systemic challenges, highlighted in the upcoming UNDP scoping study on the status of the implementation of the UNGPs in the ECIS region. It will also draw from the recent Report taking stock of the first decade of the implementation of UNGPs by States and businesses conducted by UNWG in the framework of the UNGPs 10+ project.
More information about the Forum: https://www.businesshumanrights-ecis.com/